Acne Treatment

Get the best skin of your life with our acne treatments!

Results driven treatments

Clinically proven

Achieve healthy looking skin

The Most Common Causes Of Acne

First, it is essential to mention that acne is not contagious, is not infectious and will not be passed on to others through contact. There has also been no evidence to suggest that poor hygiene, sexual activity or diet play a role in the development of acne.

Pubescent acne

In pubescent acne, the skin changes to thicken, which is a major cause of blocked pores that cause spots or pimples, preventing the natural, controlled release of sebum. The Propionibacterium, usually found harmlessly working in our skin, becomes trapped when sebum is trapped.


Cosmetics can contribute, although most cosmetic and skin care and washing products are non-comedogenic and go through rigorous skin sensitisation toxicology screens, making them now a less frequent cause of acne than before.

Adult acne

Adult acne is primarily the result of overactive sebaceous glands. Sebaceous glands make sebum (oil) under the skin, which is released through the tiny pores (holes) in our skin. When the sebaceous glands are stimulated, they produce excess sebum that collects in blocked pores.

Food intolerances

Such as gluten, dairy, etc., can first cause acne or aggravate an existing flair.

Some medications

Such as steroids, lithium, and anti-convulsion drugs, can trigger acne problems.

Poor cell turnover or disturbed skin

Itchy, overdry and irritated skin can cause the skin to lose some of its inherent protective capability leading to acne. Dead skin cells not shedding normally can contribute to the blocked pores that potentially give rise to acne.

Stress and lack of sleep

Can cause us to become under the weather, aggravating existing skin conditions as our body is not functioning at its prime.

Underlying health issues

Where body function is compromised can contribute to acne. Poor organ function and constipation can cause toxin buildup that releases through the skin, causing blockages and acne triggers. Metabolism issues, Polycystic ovary syndrome, diabetes, over or under-active thyroid issues and candida are just some health conditions known to trigger or worsen acne.


Repeatedly wearing headbands, shoulder straps, backpacks, and other items that place pressure on affected skin areas can cause or worsen acne flares.

Acne Causes, Types and Treatment Options at Shumaila’s

Acne, although most common during adolescence and in those under 30, can and does strike at any age. It can be an uncomfortable condition to suffer from, but a good understanding of what acne is can ensure those suffering from it know how to handle it and what treatments might – and might not – help.

What is acne?

Acne results from trapped bacteria in the skin, causing spots that can fill with pus and inflamed skin. When pustules cluster together, they can form nodules and more severe cysts. Inflamed areas will heal with the correct treatment and skincare regimes, yet depending on their severity can leave a discolouration to the skin and scars if the cysts rupture. Regular skin cleaning will not remove the blockage, so it has a limited effect on acne sores.

Acne can appear, disappear and reappear, and it will often. Symptoms may start to improve as you age. However, it can continue into adulthood, with around 3% of adults over 35 still troubled with acne.

Almost everyone who develops acne will have a flare involving their face and possibly neck at some point. Over half of people with acne will have a flare on their back at some point. Around 15% of acne cases appear on the chest. It is a common condition that is important to understand and take action to control.

Acne grading overview

GPs, clinicians and skin care clinics use a grading scale to determine an individual’s acne severity. There are four grades, and the look of the skin and the outbreak’s severity will lead to a diagnosis within one of the grades from 1-4. The time of year, hormone changes, stress and anxiety levels can see individuals move up and down the grades as the manifestation of acne changes. The most effective treatment type could likely change as the flare severity changes. For this reason, it is vital to monitor the condition and seek medical advice on the most suitable treatments from a specialist dealing with acne, such as those we offer here at Shumaila’s.

Once you know what a clinician is looking for with each grade, you can understand the severity of your outbreak and identify the most appropriate method to access treatments and advice for the future.

  • Grade 1 mild acne
  • Grade 2 Moderate acne
  • Grade 3 Severe acne
  • Grade 4 Cystic acne

Acne Grades in more detail

Mild acne – Grade 1

Often presenting as comedones (blackheads) mostly on the nose and a few small red breakout papules on the cheeks. They may be minimal and infrequent, but early treatment can stave off a more severe outbreak.

Home remedies should be used, including a good oily skin cleanser twice daily. Make sure to pat the area dry, do not aggravate the skin by rubbing. Azelaic acid acne gel or OTC salicylic acid products can effectively exfoliate and unblock pores.

Treatments to remove blackheads or comedo-suction tools are available over the counter. Clinic treatments such as steam facials two or three times a week will help keep pores unclogged. Specialist in-clinic treatment will significantly lessen the risk of scarring through improper tool use.

Moderate acne – Grade 2

You will notice more blemishes and lesions, which can occur anywhere on the face. Skin will have several whiteheads, which appear as raised white or yellowish spots. Usually, whiteheads are accompanied by surrounding mild inflammation or swelling. There are also likely to be outbreaks of papules and pustules, reddish irregular bumps or small pus-filled blisters appearing.

A more severe grade that will be more difficult to treat. At this stage, you can follow a similar cleaning regime as mentioned for grade 1; however, if you do not see an improvement within four weeks or the condition worsens, don’t delay seeking help.

Medical practitioners and skin care clinics that offer specialist in-clinic acne treatments will have experience with and be used to dealing with such cases. They can advise on their specific treatments, the best course of action for you and the recommended frequency to best deal with the outbreaks. They may also provide other effective treatment regimes you can continue at home.

Severe acne – Grade 3

At this more severe stage, the inflammation will be marked, and there will be many papules and pustules, with lesions spreading and merging into what is known as a crop. When acne is this severe, you will likely face some form of scarring after the spots heal. The damage can be caused even when the spots are not squeezed. As the infection goes deep within the skin, the levels of redness and mild swelling will be greater than less severe acne presentation.

At this severity, it is always best to seek treatment from a specialist skincare expert or dermatologist. Topical treatments and home remedies are not enough. Dermatologists may prescribe topical antibiotics and skin care treatments that can often take at least three months to achieve results and control the outbreak. For this reason, whilst we can help with severe acne, we would never advise leaving your acne outbreak to progress this far before seeking help. Although skin cleansing regimes should be followed, they will never be enough alone.

Cystic acne – Grade 4

The most severe form of acne, which is difficult to achieve proper control over, is difficult to treat, and even if good control is achieved, it will very likely reappear. At this point, you may require a referral for additional treatments by your skincare clinic, so to avoid delays, don’t leave seeking help long.

You will require a dermatologist, and, likely, it won’t be controlled with just one treatment. Regular follow-up treatments and treatment reviews will be necessary, which could easily see you looking at treatment lasting at least 3-6 months before you see the condition under control. It may need a combination of treatment types, such as oral, topical or injected, over the time it takes to regain the best possible control. Acne is a significant cause of low-self esteem and depression, so always seek help when necessary, at whatever stage your acne first appears.

Doesn’t everyone get spots?

Most people see spots on their face when they look in the mirror sometimes, but usually these resolve within a matter of days. Acne usually presents on one or more of the face, neck, chest, and back and can take many months to overcome. Whilst it is a common skin condition, it can be stubborn and requires care to treat outbreaks. The most appropriate treatment depends on the severity of the acne, which appears in varying stages, including spots, blackheads and whiteheads and papules, pustules or red nodules and the most severe being cysts.

Why me?

Acne can run in families. If your parents suffered from acne, you have a higher chance of developing acne yourself. However, it can strike anyone. We would always recommend taking action against it as soon as it appears to prevent the more damaging scarring and effects it can have when it develops to the later stages. Puberty in both sexes and hormonal changes such as increased testosterone, pregnancy and menstrual cycles in women can also cause an acne outbreak.

How To Get Started?

Step 01

Book your FREE consultation. You can book your Acne Treatment consultation online, or by requesting a call back.

Step 02

We offer same day appointments subject to availability, visit Shumaila’s for your consultation or to start your treatment.

Prices And Offers On Acne Treatment

What To Do About Acne

Shumaila’s is a reputable aesthetic and laser clinic offering skin and body care treatments in London and Essex for effective acne treatment and more. Our professional team of skin care experts can offer you the treatments and support needed to tackle your acne throughout grades 1-3.

Throughout the different stages of acne, you may be recommended to have treatments which include comedone extraction, chemical peels, skin exfoliations or photodynamic therapy. A good skincare clinician will be able to advise you.

Not only can early preventative measures mean your acne outbreaks are less severe and less frequent, but acne can also seriously affect your self-esteem and how you feel about your appearance. It is important to realise that there is help, and as a clinic, we specialise in skin care, so we are here to help you.

Managing Expectations

You should expect that any treatment regime may take time to show its benefits. So, whilst you hope to achieve speedy results, it can take more than one treatment or treatment combination to see results.

What Not To Do About Acne

Avoid using too much makeup or skincare products (whatever you use, remove it completely before going to bed), especially where they are oil-based, often labelled as comedogenic. Water-based, non-comedogenic products are less likely to block your skin pores.

Don’t be tempted to use prolonged sunlight exposure or sunbeds and sunlamps. There is no conclusive evidence that they will improve acne. In fact, quite the opposite. Your skin will likely be more light-sensitive if you already use acne medications. Overexposure could damage your skin, causing pain and increasing your risk of developing skin cancer.

Don’t overwash the affected areas. Mild soap, cleanser and lukewarm water are best. Washing the skin more than twice a day can irritate the skin and make the acne worse, use lukewarm water, not too hot or cold as this too can aggravate the condition.

Avoid letting your hair, especially greasy locks, fall across your face preventing sufficient air flow to your skin pores.

Do not overindulge in sugary foods and chocolate or become dehydrated.

Do not spend much time unprotected in the sun. Use sunscreen or shade to prevent skin damage.

Do not be tempted to squeeze the spots. Squeezing whiteheads, blackheads and pimples can worsen symptoms as you risk leaving them open to additional bacteria buildup and pushing the harmful acne bacteria deeper into the skin, thus making them worse. You may also cause scarring.

Choose Shumaila’s

Established since 2001, we are here to make you look and feel fabulous! Offering a wide range of results driven treatments from Laser Hair Removal in East London and Essex, to Waxing and Threading at our 7 clinics in the UK and 1 in PK.

  • All of our practitioners undergo regular training
  • A safe and hygienic environment
  • Results driven treatments
  • We use the latest technology
  • On-going quality checks
  • Highly recommended by satisfied clients, including both men and women

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